Thursday, August 20, 2009

Here's a Treat for Money and You grads.. ENJOY

This is a mind map done LIVE as the program was being conducted..

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Early Days

In the early days of my mind mapping journey, when I was still eligible to serve my nation as a reservist, I remember mapping a whole 3 day Division exercise during one of my Reservist in-camp-training.

The mind map consisted of pictures of tanks, artillery guns, missiles, the order of battle and the whole flow of the exercise, leading to the final outcome. The unit’s CO was so impressed that he asked me for it and displayed it in my Brigade’s museum. The beauty of that map was that the whole 3 day exercise, that would have taken reams of paper to document, was mapped onto only one page! (For security reason, I would not have been able to leave my camp with that mind map in my possession)

I continued to map seminars, talks, presentations, web sites and even books. Since then I’ve mapped books like The Law of Attraction and Millionaire Mindset. I’ve also sat thru a 3-day seminar and mind mapped the whole event. I’ve mind mapped seminars like Million Mindset Intensive, Money and You, many corporate training seminars (which I will not be at liberty to upload, as it involves corporate information and product launches), famous speeches by John F. Kennedy, Chief Rolling Thunder, Ghandi, etc. Over the past few months I’ve been helping students revise for their exams using mind maps.

My biggest regret truly is not learning this skill when I was in school. Get your kids to learn this skill.. it'll help them ace their exams, I'm sure.

If you like the MadMind Mapper to map your seminars or corporate training or event, please drop him an email at .


Welcome, welcome, welcome to the MadMind Mapper’s blog. I’ve been mapping my thoughts and seminars for more than 10 years. It all started with me looking at a mind map someone had drawn. I was blown away. It was simply beautiful.

I learnt that was how the human mind formed ideas – by connecting one idea to another to another and another until a new idea – be it a book, a movie, a proposal, a marketing campaign, a new passenger jet – formed. In fact anything that had ever been thought of ever was formed by the similar process – just like a mind map!

I researched and discovered that someone named Tony Buzan, had a whole series of books on mind mapping. I bought one and I recommend that if you would like to get started mind mapping your self, you get these books. At least own this one called The Mind Map Book by Tony and Barry Buzan.

I browsed thru the book and learnt the basics. I think I even mind mapped that book. After that brief encounter with the book, I began mind mapping everything that could be mind mapped – and my friends – EVERYTHING can be.

This blog is my way of promoting the use of mind maps to you. I urge you to learn it and use it, don’t worry about making mistakes, don’t worry if you cannot draw pictures (you’ll improve as you map along) and don’t worry too much about the technical aspects except for one – use one word per link. It’ll help you listen for and pick out the gist of a paragraph or a statement allowing you to register the main point in your mind and mind map ever so clearly. You’ll gain so much more clarity and understanding about the subject matter.

So purchase or borrow Tony Buzan’s books today. Start mapping away my friends, and discover the world of the MadMind Mapper.

If you like the MadMind Mapper to map your seminars or corporate training or event, please drop him an email at .


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